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A Peoria Personal Injury Lawyer Will Fight for Compensation After Negligence or an Accident 

A personal injury can bring almost anyone’s normal lifestyle to a halt. A broken bone, a burn injury, a dog bite injury, a back injury, a traumatic brain injury or a spinal cord injury can inflict great pain and suffering. Medical bills mount up and before long, you may face bill collectors. Meanwhile, you may be unable to work, resulting in additional hardship and losses for yourself and your family. For all these reasons, an aggressive approach to a personal injury claim or lawsuit is advisable after a serious or catastrophic injury when the stakes are high. A Peoria personal injury lawyer at Parker & Parker has the skills and determination to represent you vigorously through all phases of your claim and litigation

Attorneys Who Will Present Your Case Persuasively

Parker & Parker Attorneys at Law is available to evaluate your case and devise a promising strategy. We are known for our compassionate legal counsel and vigorous pursuit of fair outcomes for our clients. A Peoria personal injury lawyer can work with you to devise a strategy in pursuit of compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Related expenses
  • Lost wage replacement
  • Pain and suffering

Does any of this sound familiar and similar to what you or your family member is facing after a car accident or medical malpractice injury? You may have traveled by ambulance to an emergency room. You may require surgery and a lengthy hospitalization. Rehabilitation, therapy, rest and recovery may follow. Each of these steps after a personal injury is costly in terms of time, money and personal discomfort.

What a Peoria Personal Injury Lawyer Will Do to Help

No two injury claims are the same, and we provide individual attention to our clients. Along the way, your personal injury lawyer will: 

  • Investigation: Gathering and documenting the facts.
  • Treatment: Monitoring diagnoses and costs, including lost earnings records.
  • Demand for settlement from the negligent or responsible parties.
  • Negotiations and your decision to reject or accept an offer of settlement.
  • If applicable, filing a lawsuit before the expiration of the statute of limitations.
  • Interrogatories, depositions, and defense examinations.
  • Trial

Our law firm’s track record in and out of court on behalf of the injured speaks for itself. We would be glad to share with you some examples of successful outcomes we have achieved for other clients. Every case is unique and no previous results can predict with certainty how your case will go. However, case summaries will give you an indication of our hard work, perseverance and depth of knowledge in the area of personal injury litigation.

How Do I Know if I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

If you have sustained an injury, you likely have a personal injury claim. Don’t be quick to shake off what you consider to be a minor injury. Even minor injuries require medical care and often a medical cost. In addition, many types of injuries, especially those resulting from a car accident, often do not become symptomatic for days or even weeks.

You may also have a form of a personal injury claim if someone died. We call these wrongful death claims. Another way to determine if you have a personal injury claim is to evaluate who was responsible for (or at fault for) your injuries. Illinois is a contributory negligence state, which means you can’t recover damages if you are more than 50% at fault. 

For example, if you were injured or a loved one died, and you are assigned 50% fault for the accident, you likely have a valid personal injury or wrongful death claim. It becomes important to contact a Peoria personal injury lawyer at Parker & Parker as soon as possible, even before you talk to an insurance company. We’ll handle your claim from beginning to end at no risk to you. Our personal injury law firm won’t charge you a penny unless and until we recover your rightful financial compensation. 

Examples of Personal Injury Negligence

Negligence comes in all shapes and sizes. Some of the most common include:

Playground or School Accidents

Playground and school accidents could be due to bad hiring, poor maintenance, or improper supervision. These accidents could happen at school or in a public park or play area where families gather.

Swimming Pool Accidents

Whether public or private, pool owners often neglect to provide safety features and/or proper supervision. The resulting drownings can happen in minutes and are hard to detect in a crowded pool.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

These types of accidents are among the most common for people of all ages. The property owner/manager has a legal duty to provide reasonably safe premises. If some breach of this duty causes your accident, the owner/manager may be legally responsible.

Fire or Electrocution

The actual sprinklers in a sprinkler system break on a regular basis. Defective sprinklers and under- or inadequately maintained wiring in a specific area constitute negligence that can cause fire or electrocution.


Failure to adhere to the traffic code and certain driving behaviors, such as speeding, weaving, failing to yield, distracted, drowsy or impaired driving, are all common causes of accidents that would be defined as negligent driving.

Animal Attacks

The most common animal attack is a dog, but we’ve also heard of significant injury cases arising from animal attacks by cats, horses or certain reptiles like snakes.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

At Parker & Parker, there is no cost to retain a personal injury attorney to look into your case. We offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing unless and until we recover your financial compensation. There is no financial risk in calling to see what we can do for you.

Settlement vs. Trial: What to Expect

There are two good endings for your personal injury lawsuit: a favorable settlement or a successful trial verdict. Whether or not you go to trial depends on a variety of factors, which your Peoria personal injury lawyer at Parker & Parker explains and advises. Some of these factors may include the number of parties involved in the suit, the extent of your injuries, or even the location of your accident.

Why Most Personal Injury Cases Settle

While many cases settle, we also take personal injury cases to court to ensure a fair compensation package for our injured clients and their families. We recognize the benefits of a settlement but only advise our clients to take a settlement if it is fair and in their best interest. Some benefits of settlements vs. trials include privacy, predictability, convenience, time, and stress.


Settlements are private. Trials are public and become part of the public record. 


Juries are by their very nature unpredictable. Successful settlements carry virtually no risk, but there are great risks in going to trial. That’s not to say, however, that sometimes a trial is the best option for your case. Working alongside your Peoria personal injury lawyer, we will make a decision that is best for you and your family.


Although we strive to spare you most of the mechanics of a lawsuit, there will still be numerous discussions to ensure that what we’re doing as your Peoria personal injury lawyer aligns with your expectations. There are also court-imposed tasks, such as answering questions during the discovery phase or attending mediations and pre-trial reviews.


Although we’ll be hard at work behind the scenes organizing pre-trial motions and discovery, your personal injury trial may not commence until more than a year after a lawsuit is filed. Appeals can take even longer. On the other hand, settlements end the entire process once the settlement agreement is signed and can be accomplished with a much faster timeline.


The trial process is more stressful for most plaintiffs. You may be subjected to examination and cross-examination on the witness stand, and not in a friendly or even polite way. Your past and character will be publicly exposed.

Free Initial Consultation With A Peoria Personal Injury Lawyer

Our role is to help you recover compensation and put your trauma in the past as soon as possible after a serious crash or medical-related injury. Let our Peoria personal injury lawyers evaluate your case at no cost to you. If we represent you, we will do so with no attorneys’ fees due unless you receive compensation through our efforts. Call 309-673-0069 or complete our online intake form to request a free consultation.